#cicada гневик и обидка (◡‿◡✿)

понедельник, 14 июля 2014

find what you love and let it ignore you

“Let us See where Sam and Dean (and Castiel) are Emotionally in the Story: As fans, we’re already invested in these characters. Even so, in order to continue to relate to them, we have to have some insight into their thoughts and feelings. As you know, the only way to do that in a TV show is by way of the characters’ actions and through dialogue. We need Sam and Dean to talk to each other more. Or, they at least need to talk to other characters. Whichever way you choose to do it, show what they’re going through while they’re actually going through it. If Sam doesn’t look for Dean in Purgatory and throws away his phones, fine - but give him a few sentences to explain why he did so every time Dean (or another character) confronts him about it. If Dean says Benny is a better brother, let him explain the context of that statement. If Sam implies he and Dean can’t be brothers, show why he feels that way. For example, couldn’t you have had Sam tell Dean he was having nightmares about his hands killing Kevin before the season finale? Better yet, why not show Sam actually having the nightmares?

Though we fans like to engage in head canon, we shouldn’t have to do it so frequently. Because if we do, the story becomes less meaningful to the audience – namely because everyone is guessing what it actually means. It also seems to increase the anger and hostility on the message boards. Often times on Supernatural fan forums, discussion about the episode gives way to arguments when fans fight over what actually happened on screen. Yes, I know, all fiction is left to be interpreted by the audience to an extent, but if we’re constantly doing it because the writing is so vague, then maybe something’s missing. This can be fixed with more explicit action and dialogue from the characters, especially the brothers. At the very least, let Sam and Dean finish their own sentences. Sometimes men actually do have a whole conversation with one another.”

Connecting with the Audience in Season 10: A Plea to the Supernatural Writers
Metamorphic Rocks

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